ZZ Remix / Akemi Takeya / Peter Kutin / Impulstanz, 2019
All vibrance of the body is determined, among other things, by its breath: from “drawing a deep breath” and “gasping for air” to situations in which people “hold their breath” because they are simply “breathtaking”. Having moved from Japan to Vienna in 1991, dancer and choreographer Akemi Takeya made breath the subject of her solo piece ZZ, transferred its sound to the theatre space and confronted it with a soundscore. That was more than a decade and a half ago. Times have changed since then, both socially and in the experience of the now more mature artist. In ZZremix, the reworking of her highly acclaimed piece, Takeya addresses these changes head-on, tackles current issues and places them in the context of her broadened life experience as a migrant resident in Vienna. The original piece is expanded by these elements and remixed in a collaboration between the choreographer and experimental sound artists Peter Kutin and Moritz Nahold and features masks by famous Austrian artist Markus Schinwald.
Restaging at Odeon Theater / Impulstanz
Duration: 55 min
Photo by Karolina Miernik